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You have just given your body a well deserved treatment. If you haven't had a massage in a while or are having a tough time, you may experience some of the below reactions, it's important to just go with them. Stress is a big factor in most peoples lives. Although we tend to accept it as normal, it is a big player with physical changes in the body. 

Healing Crisis?​

The medical term for healing crisis is the "Herxheimer Reaction." This occurs when the cells release toxins into circulation but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder & GI tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough. 


The healing crisis is very natural and unique for everyone. Most people experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. You need to understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and toxins are eliminated. Symptoms usually reduce or are eliminated within two to three days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks. You may experience:

  • stiffness, aching muscles, tiredness

  • Shivery - this is due to blood capillaries opening up to increases blood flow to the muscles and the skin surface

  • frequent visits to the toilet - this allows your body to get rid of waste

  • runny nose / coughing - again this allows your body to get rid of toxins

  • headache

  • your body is in a repairing phase and might take some time to re-adjust.

Some Suggestions?​

Try not to:

  • Have a heavy meal after a treatment - allow 4-6 hours. Your body is in a healing state and is resting - massage stimulates the digestive system and therefore might make you feel nauseous.

  • The same goes for caffeine drinks (tea, coffee, red bull) or stimulands and Alcohol and Smoking.  Really you should give them a 12-24 hour rest.

  • Rush around - exercise vigorously - allow a few hours. This will limit the effects of the massage. 

  • Ignore your body's messages. You might feel faint, tired and / or thirsty.

Do try to:

  • Wrap up warm when leaving.

  • Have a bath, read a book, listen to soft relaxing music, have an early night - to continue the relaxation process.

  • Drink plenty of water.  We are 90% water. The brain and heart are about 

       73% water. The lungs are about 83% water. Your body might have been          drained of lymphatic waste and toxins which may result in being thirsty          and the water will help flush all the waste and toxins away.  Water will              help the detoxifying process and to rehydrate your body.

        Water literally is life.

  • Check out your work set up, and think about the little things you can do to reduce stress in your life.

  • Let me know how you felt after the massage, what surprised you.

  • Come back if you can, massage can be a gradual process and your feedback will help me improve my services.

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